
Thermoelectric module options

A. TEC assembly:

*1. Solder SnSb (Tmelt=230°C)
2.Solder AuSn (Tmelt=280°C)

C. Ceramics Surface Options:

1. Blank ceramics (not metallized)
2. Metallized (Au plating)
3. Metallized and pre-tinned with:·
3.1 Solder 117 (In-Sn, Tmelt =117°C)
3.2 Solder 138 (Sn-Bi, Tmelt = 138°C)
3.3 Solder 143 (In-Ag, Tmelt = 143°C)
3.4 Solder 157 (In, Tmelt = 157°C)
3.5 Solder 183 (Pb-Sn, Tmelt =183°C)
3.6 Optional (specified by Customer)
3.7 Solder 217 (SnAgCu, Tmelt=217°C)
3.8 Optional (specified by Customer)

D. Thermistor (optional)

Can be mounted to cold side ceramics using epoxy, electroconductive adhesive or solder.  
Calibration is available by request.

B. Ceramics

* 1. Aluminum Nitride (AlN)
2. Pure Al2O3(100%)
3. Alumina (Al2O3- 96%)
*used by default

E. TEC Terminals

1. Blank, tinned Copper
2. Insulated Wires
3. Insulated, color coded
4. Wire bonding pads
5. Wire bonding posts
For more options please consult
one of our application engineers.

TEC Polarity 

TEC Polarity can be modified by request 
in accordance to Customer application requirements.
Standard polarity Reverse polarity

Terminal Wires Options

The wires are of tinned Copper, blank (not insulated) by default.
Various options for insulated wires are available by request. 
The available solutions include insulated wires,
insulated color-coded wires, flexible multicore wires and more.
Standard wires, tinned copper Insulated wires

Customized AU Patterns 

Customized patterns on thermoelectric cooler cold side are available by request. 
Selective Pre-tinning over pattern is also available.
Customized Au pattern
on cold side
Selective pre-tinning over pattern

Cold Side Modification

TEC Cold Side can be modified by request.
The dimensions and shapes of the thermoelectric cooler can be revised to Customer application. 
RMT has full-featured flexibility in TEC design and modification.
Au plating Blank ceramics

TEC Height Modification 

Standard TEC height can be modified without performance changes
 by using ceramics of different thickness.
Standard height Modified height,
other ceramic thickness

Terminal Options

Au plated pads or posts for wire bonding

WB pads WB posts