A. TEC assembly: |
C. Ceramics Surface Options: |
D. Thermistor (optional) |
B. Ceramics |
E. TEC Terminals |
TEC Polarity TEC Polarity can be modified by requestin accordance to Customer application requirements. |
Standard polarity | Reverse polarity | |
Terminal Wires Options The wires are of tinned Copper, blank (not insulated) by default.Various options for insulated wires are available by request. The available solutions include insulated wires, insulated color-coded wires, flexible multicore wires and more. |
Standard wires, tinned copper | Insulated wires | |
Customized AU Patterns Customized patterns on thermoelectric cooler cold side are available by request.Selective Pre-tinning over pattern is also available. |
Customized Au pattern on cold side |
Selective pre-tinning over pattern | |
Cold Side Modification TEC Cold Side can be modified by request.The dimensions and shapes of the thermoelectric cooler can be revised to Customer application. RMT has full-featured flexibility in TEC design and modification. |
Au plating | Blank ceramics | |
TEC Height Modification Standard TEC height can be modified without performance changesby using ceramics of different thickness. |
Standard height |
Modified height, other ceramic thickness |
Terminal Options Au plated pads or posts for wire bonding |
WB pads | WB posts |