Metal-glass headers for VCSELs, miniature sensors and other electronic components.
The basic material of TO-46 type enclosures is usually Kovar or nickel- and gold-plated steel. Ferrotec-RMT manufactures thermoelectric assemblies on TO-46 headers with 5 or 6 pins. The housing pins can be standard (cylindrical shape) or with flattened ends or nail shape to simplify wire bonding.
Below are examples of solutions with thermoelectric coolers installed on TO-46 headers. The full list of possible solutions is larger. The TO-46 header is suitable for any thermoelectric cooler with hot side dimensions up to 1.2x1.9 mm2. If you require a specific solution for mounting modules in the TO-46 header, please contact Ferrotec-RMT.
Assembly with single-stage cooler 1MD03-004-05/1